How To Give to Senior Residents at Friends House.
Friends House Retirement Community accepts gifts and donations in many traditional forms as well as through online options or business partnerships, such as advertising in our community or at events. Some of our more straightforward gift options include:
- Cash or checks
- Stocks or securities
- Gifts of real estate
- Charitable trusts and annuities
- Bequests
- Legacy gifts
- 401k disbursement donations
If you have any questions regarding donations, please contact Anne Derby at or 301-924-7510.
But with so many ways to reach out, assist, support and donate, we don’t want to limit our – or your – charity opportunities.
Take a look at the Contribution Calculator to help visualize your funds and better understand how you can make giving a part of your investment portfolio and financial plans. Or browse our online silent auction and bid directly from your phone, tablet or computer. If you represent a local business or organization, we also have visual advertising and sponsorship opportunities to help you sell your brand while supporting your community.
We always have fundraising options, causes or events on the horizon. Keep abreast of our latest updates to learn about future charitable prospects.
Have ideas or need more information? Contact us to arrange a confidential, no-obligation gift planning consultation with a member of our leadership team.