Assisted Living


Welcome to Friends House Life Plan Community, a place where hearts are warmed, and connections are cherished. Nestled in the tranquil embrace of Sandy Spring, Maryland, our community is more than just a place to reside; it’s a family that celebrates compassion, togetherness, and the joy of making new friends.

We are thrilled to share the heartfelt journey of one of our busy residents, Nancy, who embodies the very essence of what makes Friends House so special. Let’s delve into her experience at Friends House and the heartwarming connections nurtured through the Friends of Health Care program.


Embracing Family and Community Ties

“I chose Friends House because it is a place where my family and I are all connected. Two of my grandchildren attended Sandy Spring Friends School; my daughter’s family is part of Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting, and my son, a police officer in this district, adds an extra layer of familiarity.”

At Friends House, we believe that true community starts with the bonds of family. Our intimate connection to the surrounding community brings a sense of belonging to every resident who calls Friends House their home.


Discovering Friends of Health Care: Bridging Barriers and Embracing Altruism

“During the pandemic, when regulations limited family visits, Friends of Health Care emerged as a beacon of hope and support. As a volunteer, I saw firsthand how these visits and interactions lit up the lives of our nursing home and assisted living residents, providing them with much-needed stimulation and companionship.”

Through the Friends of Health Care program, our residents and volunteers create bridges that span across Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Skilled Nursing, enriching lives through compassionate connections. It’s the warmth of these interactions that truly sets Friends House apart.


The Difference Friends of Health Care Makes: Enriching Lives, One Interaction at a Time

“Volunteering with Friends House healthcare residents has been an incredible journey of personal growth and fulfillment. I’ve witnessed residents discovering hidden talents, like a fellow resident’s unique style of poems and illustrations. It’s heartwarming to see their artwork showcased and cherished, bringing smiles to many faces.”

At Friends House, the impact of the Friends of Health Care program goes beyond practical support. It’s about the magic of discovering the untold stories and talents that reside within each person, creating beautiful moments that leave a lasting imprint on hearts.


Building a Strong Sense of Community: Advocating and Caring for One Another

“Our community’s strength lies in helping one another and advocating for the needs of every resident. When volunteers notice a need, we come together to meet it. It’s not just about assisting individuals; it’s about creating a future where all residents are cared for and cherished.”

At Friends House, we are more than neighbors; we are a united front, supporting each other in times of need and celebration. Our community thrives on inclusivity, compassion, and a deep sense of responsibility for each other’s well-being.


Final Thoughts: Embrace the Warmth of Friends House

“Living at Friends House has helped me maintain a sense of purpose and joy. The friendships I’ve made and the connections I’ve forged have enriched my life beyond measure. It’s a place where kindness and togetherness are at the heart of everything we do.”

If you’re seeking a place where you can embrace the true spirit of community, Friends House welcomes you with open arms. Join our big-hearted family, experience the warmth of genuine connections, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.


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