gay pride


At Friends House, our commitment to diversity and inclusivity is not just a policy – it’s a practice embedded in our daily lives. June, celebrated nationwide as Pride Month, gives us a perfect opportunity to showcase our ongoing efforts to foster an inclusive environment. Here, we share how we embrace the richly diverse backgrounds that our residents, staff, and visitors bring to our community.


A Reflective Community

Our recent diversity survey highlighted the vibrant and diverse composition of our community. We are committed to celebrating this diversity and are excited to announce that this June, we will be taking proactive and thoughtful steps to enhance our representation and inclusivity even further. Together, we aim to create a community that truly reflects the rich tapestry of our broader society.


Inclusive Programs and Initiatives

Pride Month at Friends House includes planning activities designed to celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity throughout the year:

  • Ongoing Efforts: Community Discussions offer an open forum for residents and staff to provide platforms to share experiences and discuss actionable ways to make Friends House even more welcoming.
  • Educational Workshops: We look forward to hosting sessions that explore and embrace the history and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community, enhancing our understanding and appreciation of this vibrant group.
  • Cultural Celebrations: Every event is a colorful exhibition of the diverse cultures within our community and beyond, featuring music, food, and traditions that tell stories of a beautiful, interconnected world.


Enhancing Our Commitment to Inclusion

Our survey revealed a strong sense of inclusion among our residents, with reports of feeling valued and included. We are proud of these results, yet remain committed to continuous improvement.

This includes:

Expanding Accessibility – Ongoing evaluations of our facilities ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, can comfortably navigate and participate in all our community has to offer.

Broadening Representation – We’re intensifying efforts to reach out to underrepresented groups, ensuring our community becomes even more reflective of the diverse world outside our doors.


Voices from Our Community

“Our diversity is our strength. Seeing so many different people living together in harmony makes me proud to call Friends House my home,” shared a current resident.


At Friends House, Pride Month is a celebration of who we are and a reminder of who we aspire to be. It’s about building a community where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued – not just in June but throughout the year. Join us as we continue to embrace, celebrate, and learn from the diverse perspectives that each member brings to our community.


Let’s make every month a testament to our commitment to diversity and inclusivity, creating a Friends House that truly feels like home for everyone. Join us for a personal visit to see firsthand how Friends House supports and celebrates every individual.


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